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New feature: shared client inbox

Check out our new feature - Shared Inbox. Make it easier for teams to manage client communications.

10 Tools to Improve the Consistency of Accountancy Processes — Pixie
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10 Tools to Improve the Consistency of Accountancy Processes — Pixie

All the tools you need to improve the consistency of your firm's processes.

The Key to Optimising Consistency of Work: SOPs — Pixie
Best Practices

The Key to Optimising Consistency of Work: SOPs — Pixie

A guide to implementing standard operating procedures for accounting firms.

5 time tracking software for accounting firms - Pixie
Best Practices

5 time tracking software for accounting firms - Pixie

There was once a time where completing a timesheet involved putting pen to paper... Or quill to parchment, it depends how far back you want to go.false

5 top tips to improve your LinkedIn experience from The 15-Minute Guy, Ashley Leeds - Pixie
Best Practices

5 top tips to improve your LinkedIn experience from The 15-Minute Guy, Ashley Leeds - Pixie

I’m going to tell you 5 tips to improve your LinkedIn experience and make it easier and more fun for you - to get more out of LinkedIn. My name isfalse

5 steps towards meetings your clients truly value - Pixie
Best Practices

5 steps towards meetings your clients truly value - Pixie

It can be easy to fixate on the technical aspects of accounting. But that’s only fifty percent of the job. Working on improving client relationshipsfalse

Bookkeeper's Year End Bootcamp - The 5 most important systems in a bookkeeping business - Pixie
Best Practices

Bookkeeper's Year End Bootcamp - The 5 most important systems in a bookkeeping business - Pixie

As part of our Bookkeeper’s Year End Bootcamp webinar series, Peter Cook, Co-Founder of Pure Bookkeeping, offered us his expertise on implementingfalse

No more talking about debits and credits: How to communicate more effectively with clients - Pixie
Best Practices

No more talking about debits and credits: How to communicate more effectively with clients - Pixie

While the accounting principles have stayed the same for hundreds of years, the practice of accounting isn’t what it once was. One consistent area offalse

How to successfully increase your fees (without losing clients) with Loren Fogelman - Pixie
Best Practices

How to successfully increase your fees (without losing clients) with Loren Fogelman - Pixie

In this interview, Loren Fogelman shares a 5-step process for increasing your fees and having courage when pricing your clients.

How I changed my firm to command higher fees from clients with Erik Solbakken CPA - Pixie
Best Practices

How I changed my firm to command higher fees from clients with Erik Solbakken CPA - Pixie

Discover how Erik Solbakken CPA changed his accounting firm model to be able to work less whilst charging his clients more.

Specificity is key: how to provide actionable advice to clients - Pixie
Best Practices

Specificity is key: how to provide actionable advice to clients - Pixie

In this guest blog from Syft Analytics learn a 4-step process for delivering actionable advice to your clients

Stop the chaos: How to synchronize your team and workflow - Pixie
Best Practices

Stop the chaos: How to synchronize your team and workflow - Pixie

During busy season is when your under the most pressure. Discover how to synchronize your team & workflow to take the pressure off future busyfalse

ClickUp not clicked? 5 limitations of ClickUp for bookkeepers - Pixie
Best Practices

ClickUp not clicked? 5 limitations of ClickUp for bookkeepers - Pixie

Have you tried using ClickUp but it just hasn't clicked? Here are 5 limitations of ClickUp for bookkeepers

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